Orthodontic Treatment Options to Meet Your Needs

From Invisalign to palatal expanders, the experts at Bovenizer & Baker Orthodontics have the technology to beautify your smile.

The Ideal Treatment for Your Ideal Smile

Learn more about the various treatment and appliance options Bovenizer & Baker Orthodontics has to offer. When you're ready to find out which is the right choice for your smile, schedule your free consultation and the let our experienced docs help you achieve the smile you've always wanted.

IPR (Interproximal Reduction)

To achieve the best possible result from orthodontic treatment, the teeth must sometimes be reshaped. Interproximal Reduction, known as IPR, is a quick and easy procedure that changes the size or shape of the teeth. The tooth enamel is slightly reduced to create space between the teeth. This allows the orthodontic treatment to be successful in producing the best possible smile.

This is a safe procedure, and research has shown that IPR does not increase decay on the affected surfaces, nor does it increase tooth sensitivity. In fact, research shows that when IPR is necessary, it gives the teeth greater stability once orthodontic treatment is complete.

Benefits of IPR

IPR is a good choice for patients who have:

  • Teeth that don’t lay next to each other with an ideal fit due to their shape
  • Crowded teeth

IPR reduces a micro amount of enamel that does not harm the teeth. It’s an easy, painless procedure that doesn’t require anesthesia. It’s especially beneficial to patients who have crowded teeth and plan to use Invisalign® for treatment, because it creates just the right amount of space for the aligners to fit properly and comfortably.

Bleach Instructions

  • Always keep bleach solution refrigerated and remove 30 minutes prior to using.
  • Make sure your custom tray is clean from previous use. Never use hot water when cleaning your tray because it can cause permanent damage. The best way to clean bleach out of your trays is to use q-tips and room temperature water.
  • Apply a minimal bead sized amount of bleach to the front surface of each tooth pocket of the tray that you will be whitening. The bead is applied in the middle of each tooth pocket only on the front surface. Applying excessive gel, or adding gel to the back surface of the teeth will only waste your gel while not improving results.
  • Gently insert the loaded custom tray into your mouth and seal completely on your teeth.
  • Use a finger to gently press against the front surface of your teeth to adapt the tray.
  • Run a finger along your gum line just under the custom tray to remove any bleaching gel that may have squeezed out during the previous steps, which can help limit sensitivity.
  • Keep the tray on for 30 – 60 minutes. Wearing it longer can cause harm and has no additional benefit.
  • Remove and clean your custom trays.
  • Use bleach up to five consecutive days until you have reached your desired results.

Laser Gingivectomy

Most dental professionals and people would agree that the optimal smile should reveal the least amount of gum tissue as possible. Gum tissue that is visible in the esthetic portion of your mouth (the teeth that show when you smile) should have balanced and even contours that are in harmony with the upper lip.

A Gingivectomy is recommended for patients who have what is commonly known as a “gummy smile,” or excessive gum tissue that makes the teeth appear stubby. A cosmetic gum lift can reveal the beautiful teeth that you have under the overgrown soft tissue. This procedure is performed with a soft tissue laser, and can not only reinvent your smile but is good for your oral health.

What to Expect

The day of your procedure we will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area, and then begin to re-contour the excess gum tissue that exists. We will safely and carefully use a soft tissue laser to trim away, reshape and seal the unneeded gum tissue.

This treatment typically only requires one visit to our office, and only takes about an hour. The pain associated after the procedure, if any, is minor and there is no bleeding and no stitches are involved.

The laser used to perform the gum lift seals and sterilizes the area so any chance of infection is significantly reduced. It also minimizes inflammation and promotes fast healing. We employ the use of lasers because not only are they safe, but they also protect the surrounding tissue from damage during the procedure.

Post-Exposure Care

*Keep the area clean as directed by your clinical assistant. Depending on the procedure, a medicated mouthwash or Vitamin E capsules may be prescribed for post-care treatment.

*We will see you back in two weeks for a follow-up appointment. Please let your clinical assistant know of any discomfort if you are still sore.

Laser Frenectomy

Most people, including dental professionals, would agree that the optimal smile should reveal the least amount of gum tissue as possible. Gum tissue that is visible in the aesthetic portion of your mouth (the teeth that show when you smile) should have balanced and even contours that are in harmony with the upper lip.

A gingivectomy is recommended for patients who have what is commonly known as a “gummy smile,” or excessive gum tissue that makes the teeth appear stubby. A cosmetic gum lift is good for your oral health and can reveal the beautiful teeth that you have under the overgrown soft tissue.

What to Expect

This procedure is performed with a soft tissue laser, and is typically performed in a single, 40 minute appointment. On the day of the procedure, we will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area, then begin to contour, trim away, reshape, and seal the excess gum tissue. There is no bleeding or stitches involved, and any pain from the procedure is generally very minor.

Home Care

Use warm, salt-water rinses and vitamin E gel to help with the healing of the tissue. Vitamin E gel can be bought in capsule form from any pharmacy.

CS-2000 Springs

A CS-2000 Spring is an appliance used to correct Class II (Overbite) or Class III (Underbite) dentition. The CS-2000 Spring is alot like orthodontic elastics but you cannot take them out. CS-2000 Springs are made of a special coil spring that helps to pull the mandible forward (Class II Correction) or backward (Class III Correction). This coil spring is attached to the archwires so you do not have to worry about putting them in or taking them out like you do with elastics.

Adjusting Your Appliance

There is a short adjustment period when you get your new appliance. Mild discomfort such as mouth soreness is not uncommon. You may take over the counter pain medication as needed. You may also notice some minor difficulty in chewing with your new appliance. During this time you will want to eat softer foods as you adjust such as smoothies, yogurt, potatoes, etc.


Special attention to brushing is required with this appliance and you have to make sure that you brush thoroughly after every meal. You need to continue to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Besides brushing your teeth you need to brush around the metal bands and springs. You need to continue to floss your teeth and in addition you need to floss between the metal structure of your Quad Helix and your teeth.


*If the appliance becomes bent, distorted, or you are experiencing pain or discomfort beyond the normal tooth discomfort associated with tooth movement, call our office for an appointment to have your appliance checked.

*If a spring breaks, keep the area clean and call our office for an appointment to have the spring repaired.

Herbst Appliance

The Herbst appliance is an advanced functional device that is used to correct a lower jaw deficiency and/or protrusion of the upper teeth. If left untreated, these issues can threaten the long-term health of your teeth, gums, and jaw, and may even require surgical correction. This appliance is an alternative solution to traditional headgear, and has additional benefits:

  • Compliance: Headgear has to be worn for a specific number of hours each day in order to be truly effective. This can be difficult to keep track of; however, the Herbst appliance is fastened directly to your teeth, so you can be confident that it is working as intended.
  • Aesthetics: Headgear is generally bulky and has to be strapped to the back of the head or neck. The Herbst is a much more inconspicuous appliance because it is only visible when you speak or open your mouth.

The Herbst appliance consists of crowns cemented over your back teeth like a thimble. The crowns have rods and tubes (hinges) attached to them that hold your lower jaw forward, which moves the teeth and stimulates growth. The rods and tubes can be adjusted throughout treatment to position your jaw and move your teeth as needed. Your teeth will NOT be reduced.

Adjusting to Your Herbst
During your first week, you will experience soreness in your jaw as your muscles, teeth,and joints adjust to the new position. You may take over-the-counter pain medication as needed for the soreness. Eating softer foods in the first week, such as smoothies, yogurt, and potatoes, will help with muscle soreness and help you get comfortable with the appliance. After about a week, you should be back to eating like normal.

You will need to continue to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Aside from brushing your teeth, you will also need to brush around the metal crowns, rods, and tubes. Continue to floss your teeth, as well as in between the metal structure of your Herbst and your teeth.

If anything on your Herbst breaks, becomes unglued, or bends, contact us right away, as you will have to come to our office to have it repaired.

Elastics (aka Rubber Bands)

Wearing your elastics as directed is one of the most important things you can do for your orthodontic treatment. Elastics are used to help correct your bite, and if you don’t wear them as prescribed or directed, it will hinder the outcome of your treatment. Follow these guidelines to ensure that you’re on your way to achieving the smile you’ve always wanted!

  • Change your elastics at least two to three times a day so they remain strong, and throw away the ones you remove.
  • It is completely normal to experience tooth soreness for a few days after you start wearing elastics. However, you must continue to wear them, and you can take over-the-counter medication, such as Tylenol or Advil, to ease the discomfort.
  • Wear your elastics all the time (unless you are directed otherwise), which means both day and night, and even while you sleep. Elastics should only be removed when you are eating or brushing your teeth.
  • If you run out of elastics before your next appointment, contact our office so we can make arrangements for you to get more. If you prefer, we can even mail the extras to you!

If you have any problems with wearing your elastics, such as prolonged pain in your jaw joints or a missing hook, give us a call so we can take a look. Remember that there is little to no value in wearing your elastics less than full time (or as prescribed or directed). Without your help and cooperation, it will be impossible to correct your bite and achieve the best possible smile.

Jaw Expander/Palatal Expander

When a child is suffering from a malocclusion, or a bad bite, early orthodontic treatment helps prevent more serious orthodontic issues from occurring in the future. One of the best ways to treat a malocclusion in a child is by using a palatal expander. Palatal expanders create more space in the mouth by gradually widening the upper jaw. Although this may sound scary, it’s really quite easy to do and to tolerate. The upper jaw actually develops as two separate halves that don’t completely fuse together until after puberty. Around this period of time, the two bones can gently be separated and stabilized over a period
of several months.

Why Use aPalatal Expander?

  • Crossbite: The upper jaw is too narrow to fit the lower
    jaw or the back top teeth are inside the lower jaw
  • Crowding: There is not enough room for permanent
    teeth and the upper jaw is too narrow
  • Impacted Teeth: A tooth has not yet come in and is being blocked
    by other teeth, and growing teeth are in the wrong position

How the Palatal Expander Works

The rapid palatal expander is custom-made to fit over most of the top teeth in the back of the mouth. The appliance consists of two halves connected in the middle with a screw. The screw is turned little by little each day to induce tension, which progressively moves the two palatal bones apart. On average, the RPE treatment takes 3-6 months to finish.

What to Expect During Treatment

It’s very common for your child to experience some minor side effects, like soreness and pressure. Your child may also speak and eat a little differently at first, and they may have a small gap between their front teeth – all of this is normal and is not a cause for alarm. However, if your child experiences any severe or long lasting pain or discomfort, please feel free to call our office.

Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD)

Temporary anchors are made of sterile, medical-grade titanium alloy and are fixed to the bone, specifically for the purpose of providing orthodontic anchorage. Orthodontics with TADs can:

  • Be used as an alternative to jaw surgery
  • Reduce orthodontic treatment time by one-third
  • Eliminate the need for headgear
  • Provide a more ideal finish
  • Prevent extra tooth movement when preparing for a bridge, crown, or implant without braces
  • Close some open bites without surgery
  • Achieve difficult orthodontic tooth movement

Installation of a TAD

After numbing the area with a topical anesthetic where the TAD is to be placed, gentle pressure is applied to insert the anchor through the gums and into the bond between your teeth. Some patients say they feel slight pressure for a short period of time afterward. Minor aching associated with the new tooth movement is normal, and you can use over-the-counter medication, such as Ibuprofen, to deal with the discomfort.

Removing a TAD

TADs are temporary and are typically removed after a few months, when they are no longer needed to assist in tooth movement. The entire process of removing a TAD takes only a few seconds, and a topical numbing gel is usually applied around the area for the gentlest removal.

Post-Procedure Care

To keep the TAD clean, brush it twice a day and use the medicated rinse that was given to you when it was placed. If the TAD causes an irritation inside your cheek or lip, you may use wax over the top to protect the irritated area. TADs can sometimes become loose. In most cases, minor mobility is nothing to cause concern. However, if you feel your TAD has become excessively loose and causes discomfort, you should make an appointment to repair the loose TAD.

Invisalign Teen patient standing in front of fountain

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