- Participating in Games & Activities in the Rewards Hub
- Wearing Your Practice T-Shirt to Your Appointment
- Displaying Excellent Oral Hygiene
- Liking us on Facebook / Following Us on Instagram
- Writing a Review on Google
- Taking Part in Community Service
- Receiving Good Grades on Your Report Card
- Having an Email on File
Win Cool Prizes with Our Patient Rewards Hub!
With a wide selection of prizes to choose from, you're sure to win some fun stuff with your points!
Why Shouldn't Orthodontic Treatment Be Fun?!
Free stuff and online shopping...say no more. Earn gift cards and prizes through our Patient Rewards Hub Program! We want to reward you for working hard with us to create your beautiful smile. While you are in active treatment, you can participate in our Patient Rewards Program and get cool stuff! There are lots of ways to rack up points:

There are many other ways to earn points, so login to your account today to find out how to maximize your point earning potential! Your username and password will be given to you in your new patient exam.
You can view Patient Rewards Hub from your desktop by visiting https://my.patientrewardshub.com/login
Click the buttons below to download the Rewards Hub app!
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