Our new program, A Chance To Smile, provides orthodontic treatment for kids who may not otherwise have the opportunity. Our desire is for each of these children to be proud of their smile and proud of how the world sees them. We are accepting donations via credit card, check, or cash to supplement the cost of braces for children/youth in foster care in our community. If you make a $25 donation or more, then you get to adopt our mascot, Seymour the Llama. All additional funds raised will be donated back to the Friends of Wake GAL.
A Chance to Smile Program
Adopt a Llama, Give a Child a Smile

Foster Facts
- There are over 700 children in foster care in Wake County
- Only half of the youths aging out of foster care will be employed by the age of 24
- The #1 one reason children are removed from their homes is abuse or neglect
- Only 2% of children in foster care receive a bachelor’s degree or higher
- 25% of children in foster care experience homelessness
Seymour the Llama
The name, Seymour the Llama, came from the fact that children in foster care want to be seen for more than their current situation. They want to be seen for who they really are. They want people to see more than a foster child, more than a child from a difficult past. These children often struggle with how the world sees them. None of us are defined by our past. Having someone take the time to see our strengths, and help us achieve our potential, can be life altering. Our goal is to give foster children a chance to have a smile they can be proud of and give them something to smile about.
When someone is talking, you tend to look at their eyes and mouth. For a person with a less than perfect smile, it can feel like the world only sees their flaws. Orthodontic transformation helps them be proud of the way they look. Providing orthodontic care to these children helps offset some of the disadvantage they are already facing. It can let their personality shine through, so the world can see who they truly are.
We want to give children from foster care a chance to smile. Seymour the Llama reminds us all to “See More” of the good in the people around us. Your smile can be one of your greatest assets. We want to see more smiles from foster children in our area. Will you be a part of helping Seymour the Llama see more smiles?

Our Partner
The Friends of the Wake County Guardian ad Litem Program is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit founded to change the lives of abused and neglected children by supporting the work of Guardians ad Litem who volunteer as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for foster children.
They provide enrichment opportunity funds and needed items for children in foster care and those placed in out-of-home kinship care. By providing educational support, such as tutoring and school supplies, along with meeting special needs requests, The Friends strives to ensure that every child is set up for success in school and in life.
In 1983, the North Carolina General Assembly established the Office of Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Services as a division of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. Pursuant to G.S. 7B-601, when a petition alleging abuse or neglect of a juvenile is filed in district court, the judge appoints a volunteer Guardian ad Litem advocate and an attorney advocate to provide team representation to the child. All Guardian ad Litem advocates are trained, supervised, and supported by program staff in each county of the state.